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Submit your work and be part of creating more Inspector-tainment!

Contest entry deadline: March 1st

$10 entry fee per submission, unlimited submissions per person.

Winners receive $$$ and unlimited applause!


Tony Lee (Official Doctor Who comic writer) is writing a one-shot comic for The Inspector Chronicles. Download a page of the script and put your artistic talents to the test by creating a single page of a comic book based on Tony’s script. Then, your work will be judged by a panel of industry professionals and the winner (or possibly winners) will be given the chance to actually create the artwork for the official comic!



We know that there are already people out there writing Inspector-based scripts (and even more inexplicably writing non-Inspector-based scripts!). Write and submit a script for a one-hour episode of the show, and the winner will be selected to have their script produced as an episode of The Inspector Chronicles Radio Show audio dramedy!





~Is there a cost to submit?

Yes, we are charging a small $10 to submit your work. This is mainly to weed out people who aren’t serious about their submissions. We are looking for real talented folks who may not have another outlet for their writing or artistic skills.

Additionally, besides a 10% processing fee, all of the submission fees will go to whomever is selected as the winner of each category! So, if we get 20 script entries, that’s $200, so the winner will get $180 as well as have their work produced by The Inspector Chronicles creative team!


~Is it paid?


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